Teco 2030 - history

Country: Norway. Ticker: TECO.OL

Summary for all available positions:
Teco 2030 Asa. Stock price data missing (full history)

Total sum: 0.00 million NOK lost in 7 positions.
# From To Short-% StartPrice EndPrice Player Change
1.2024-05-102024-04-122.3--Teco 2030 Asa-
2.2024-04-152024-03-041.96--Teco 2030 Asa-
3.2024-03-052024-02-281.64--Teco 2030 Asa-
4.2024-02-292023-12-151.55--Teco 2030 Asa-
5.2023-12-182023-12-111.21--Teco 2030 Asa-
6.2023-12-122023-11-101.14--Teco 2030 Asa-
7.2023-11-132023-11-130.94--Teco 2030 Asa-

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